Vancouver International Travel Expo & Vancouver Wedding & Honeymoon Expo
Vancouver International Travel Expo & Vancouver Wedding & Honeymoon Expo
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About this event
Vancouver’s largest travel expo is returning for it’s fifth year!
Saturday Mar. 19th, 2022 from 11:30am – 5pm and also on
Sunday Mar. 20th, 2022 from 11:30am – 4pm
EARLY BIRD TICKETS 2 FOR 1, GET THEM WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! Tickets are $10 per person but purchase now for only $5 per person. Your ticket is good for either day or both if you wish to return for the second day. Tickets include entry to the Vancouver Wedding & Honeymoon Expo which is sharing the Hall so your ticket allows you into both Expos. PLEASE NOTE: Our event was originally scheduled for Feb. 19 & 20, but because of current Covid situation it has moved one month forward.
* Travel Agent hours: 9am-11am Saturday Morning Only*
星期六, 2022-03-19 - 星期日, 2022-03-20